Friday, October 24, 2008


Technology has changed our the way we feel about life today! Our whole perception of things has been revamped in order to fit into today's world!

Today, I read in TimesOnline that a lady got convicted for killing her virtual husband after a messy "virtual" divorce! Doesnt it sound strange how our ways of communicating has changed? Earlier, people needed to know eachother, to atleast have ment and seen eachother before going into a relationship! But today, one doesnt even need to know the other's name in order to form a relationship! Nowadays, poeple just log on to their personal profiles and search for a display name they like or a picture they like!

They even go ahead and marry eachother online! Not knowing how their partner is in real, not know if the thing the partner said to you is even true!

I guess this is one of those things where communication is the only medium of knowing eachother as there is no other way however, how do we know that what is being communicated is actually true? One may actually be saying something and meaning something else! Miscommunication is also very likely to occur in this kind of relationship!

Thechnology has actually changed how we communicate with each other but also how we look at relationships!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Social Stigma

This afternoon, this Indian movie 'Honeymoon Travel's Pvt. Ltd. The movie is about six couples who have taken this tour bus to Goa (a sea beach in India). It shows the different kinds of relationships between the different couples! this shows that human personality also plays a big role in developing a relationship! But today I am not going to talk about relationships but how social norms and social stigmas which affect them aversly.

There were two couples in the six who started having problems in their relationship since the first day itself. And this was because both the guys in the relationship were gays! Infact, one was attracted to other! This created alot of heated arguments in the two sets of couple!

However, neither of the guys could come out in open and tell their spouses what the reality was. This was because of the fact that being gays was and still is considered a social stigma. This created a big communication gap between the respective husbands and wives. Their relationship suffered as neither side understood what was wrong in the relationship!

My question is... Is social stigma present in the society to make lives better or to make it harder for any one related to the case. This condemn towards people who are not similar to us creates not only a big communication gap in any relationship, it actually becomes such a big factor that the relationship itself becomes a question! I guess social stigmas are needed for people to conform to the cocietal norms but we shouldnt make it such a big deal that by thinking too much about it, it becomes our loss in the end!

Friday, October 10, 2008


I saw this bollywood movie called kidnap and one thing which struck me was the interpersonal relationship between the characters of the movie. The movie basically is about this 18 year old girl who lives with her mother and grandmother.

One day after an argument with her mother involving her father, she drives off alone and gets kidnapped. The kidnapper is actually taking revenge for what her father had done to him when he was young.

The relationship between the girl and the kidnapper is nothing like the ones we learnt in com 101. It does not follow the Knapp Model or any other theory but has a pattern of its own.

Both the protagonist get attracted to each other by a kind of proximity. Their closeness for the amount of time they are together, helps each to understand what the other is like.

Dissimilarity also helps them come close to each other. The fact that the girl was born and brought up in a rich family unlike the kidnapper who has lived his life in adoloscent prison plays a major role in attracting them towards eachother.

There is a point of time when the kidnapper is seriously injured and this is her only chance to escape but instead she actually stays back and saves him. This brings their relationship to the next level.

When she realises what the motive for the guy to kidnap her was, she tries to understand him. The kidnapper also tries to make her as comfortable as he can and actually lets her out for a while for a change. This brings their relationship to a next level where they talk and try to understand eachother.

Then their relationship comes to a standstill. No more integrating or bonding. The girl gets saved from the kidnapper and this is where their relationship ends. Although, the ir relationship may have followed some of the stages of the Knapp model, not all the stages are covered in this relationship!