Sunday, September 7, 2008


As discussed in class, there are two ways of communication, verbal and non-verbal. Also in today's advertisements, there are two types of ads - verbal and non verbal and there are some which are non verbal throughout and ended with a tagline. My point is, are commercials which have verbal communication the only effective to communicate and attract audience or are non verbal and partially verbal (the ones with tag lines) also equally effective in communication?

Here is a video of a verbal add, where they talk about the benefits of travelling by jet airways. Although things are very verbal here, they have managed to attract alot of attention due to their amazing benefits of using jet airways.

The link below is a partially verbal ad. Through out the ad, there is no mention of the product but it still attracts your attention. It communicates alot without any verbal needs (exept for the last part).

Here also, there is no verbal communication. All they wanted to say has been done by expressions or is written. The - "In 10 years the car will be hers", says alot about the little girl's emotions about the car. The car should really be good if this little girl wants it even after 10 years.

Frankly. I feel that verbal and non verbal ads are both very effective in communicating what they were meant to. It depends on how well the ad is made and not which way of communication is used. And actually speaking, it took me a very LONG time to find a recent commercial which has a very verbal way of communication.

Please tell me what you guys feel!!!!!


Unknown said...

The second link was extremely funny!
if non verbal way of communication is used then i suppose simple things like music without words (for music has a lot of capacity to make ppl laugh or cry or you know, play with emotions) and visul stuffs as well.
Your first link for example, did use verbal, but as you said, the usage of visual perception was enough to get the point to the viewers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are quiet a few adds who use non verbal way of communication. Ever seen a fedex add? Fedex adds tend to be hilarious. Your inks are soo funny as well! I was rotfl! :D
Reading your previous post, is terrorism not a way of non verbal way of communication as well?
Keep up the good posts (gedit?) :D

lexicon09 said...

Hey guys thanks for the comments! well yaa i guess terrorism is, in many ways, a way of non verbal communication sadly it one part of non verbal communication which does not do any good to the world!

Anonymous said...

You know, it is true, when i tried to look for verbal it was very tough but one thing is there. I noticed that verbal ads were used more where the companies had to tell them what their qualities were rather than show them. For example, the verbal ad you gave would have the purpose of showing how their airlines has better facilities and i think doing this verbally was a better means as it became clearer than it was. Otherwise if the same ad was done in a non verbal manner, the same objective may not have been achieved!

lexicon09 said...

yaa i agree! the objectives and aim of the ad do differ. However, maybe there are more non verbal ads because they are different from our day to day life where all we do is TALK!

Anonymous said...

tell u what i feel? I wuold like to have some information on the product i wanna buy... which means verbal ad is necessayr for me!

lexicon09 said...

lol true verbal ads do have information which not be conveyed in non verbal ads!