Sunday, September 14, 2008

Violent Ways to Express yourself.

Lately, there has been much news on terrorism. There have been bomb attacks in the Indian capital, Delhi this Saturday. According to the Herald Times, these types of bombings have been done many a times in order to create a rift between the Hindu and Muslim society which are both major residents in the country.
According to ‘Wikipedia’, terrorism is a form of unconventional warfare and psychological warfare. These acts of terrorism are done to influence many large audiences in order to leave a message. It is their way of showing their disagreement to a particular thing a government, or a country, is doing.
A lot of times, the target victims are not those who pose a threat to terrorist groups but those who are seen as weak or as special symbol or tools, to further achieve a terrorist's point of view. This means many innocent victims also have to face a terrorist’s wrath, something they clearly do not deserve.
As we all know, there are many different types of terrorism. For example, a political terrorist would have violent criminal behavior in order to create fear amongst the civilians for political reasons. Then there are the civil disorders which is a form of collective violence against peace security and normal society. But one thing is common in all these type of terrorism. They all have an aim of spreading terrorism through a very unacceptable method: violence.
I know in a majorly democratic world, one should have a freedom of opinions and a freedom to believe in one way of life but my question is, Is it necessary to use violence to put forward your view points? Without terrorism, would the world cease to exist as we know it?

I feel that terrorism is not the solution to any of our problems. Although they open our eyes wide about a lot of issues, it could be done in many other ways like creating awareness through advertisement, voicing your opinion out through press conferences or any other form of media. I feel that terrorism is too violent a way to express your opinions which might lead to harming many innocent bystanders who had done nothing to deserve getting hurt or even dying in order to put forward a view of a terrorist organization.


Shivani said...

Yeah its so true that terrorism is not the solution to anything neither is it the right way to communicate to the world your point of view on a certain matter.

Terrorism uses violence as a form nonverbal communication. Sometimes its very symbolic in nature. For example if there is a bomb blast at a Hindu religious place, then people directly jump to conclusions that it was a Muslim group that executed the attack.

Unknown said...

i must say, your arguments are quiet convincing for i do agree with you. Terrorism is nothing but a way to express oneself.
Terrorism is the type of effect that allows the government or anyone as a matter of fact to see the point of view.
Talk about bang on the target. LOL! :D

Anonymous said...

i completely agree with you.
Terrorism should be stopped and it is an obnoxious way to make your point. For me, even if nothing works, terrorism will be my very last resort.

Anonymous said...

But dont you think that terrorism is a way of making people believe that you are serious about your cause? See even I dont believe in terrorism but I am just trying to look at it from another point of view!

lexicon09 said...

yaa i agree it shows how serious you are but arent there many other ways to preove that you are serious? Is killing innocent people the only way for seriousness? I dont think so!

lexicon09 said...


Anonymous said...

Terrorism is a way through which people show their viewpoint but yes I agree that killing people for your cause is way too harsh a way!

I think other ways may be longer or may not even succeed but what guarantee is there that terrorsim is succeeding?